Welcome to the KSRA PAC!
The KSRA PAC is the Political Arm of the Kansas State Rifle Association
About the KSRA PAC
The KSRA Political Action Committee (PAC) is a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated council of individual citizens. The PAC is an independent, autonomous organization not affiliated with any political party or candidate.
Why the Kansas State Rifle Association PAC Exists:
- To defend Second Amendment principles by encouraging and equipping qualified individuals to run for public office, encouraging the public to take a more active and effective role in governmental affairs.
- To promote and protect the firearms, hunting, outdoors, and sport shooting industries through legislative and political action.
- To encourage Kansans to know and understand the nature and actions of their government, important political issues, and the records of officeholders and candidates for elected office.
- To assist individuals across our state organizing themselves to more effectively carry out their civic responsibility of protecting through political activity their constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.
Candidate Endorsements
The KSRA PAC makes no endorsements prior to the candidate filing deadline each year. After the filing deadline, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) will issue its candidate endorsements. Following the release of NRA endorsements, the KSRA PAC will release our endorsements.
As the political wing of the National Rifle Association’s state affiliate, the KSRA Political Action Committee does not endorse or support candidates for state or federal office in opposition to decisions made by the NRA-PVF.
The NRA-PVF does not endorse candidates for certain down-ballot statewide offices or any judicial positions or local offices in the State of Kansas. To request a KSRA endorsement for one of those positions, please use the form below to request a copy of our candidate questionnaire.

Our mission is to win legislative battles before they start by electing pro-Second Amendment candidates to office.